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Catch All Routing

If you add a $.tsx file to the pages directory, it will be used as the catch-all routing component. This component will be rendered if there is no matching route.


$.tsx can be thought of as a unique page route component. If the current directory has a layout.tsx file, $.tsx will be rendered as a child component of layout.

For example, the following directory structure:

└── pages
    ├── $.tsx
    ├── contact
    │   └── page.tsx
    └── page.tsx

When a path that does not match is accessed, the pages/$.tsx component is rendered. Similarly, in $.tsx, you can use useParams to grab the remaining bits of the URL.

import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
// When the path is `/xxx/yyy`
const params = useParams();
params['*']; // => 'xxx/yyy'

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